Sunday 16 November 2014

The Ideal Teacher

OK, I will start by saying that this is neither a long project nor a copied one from the Internet. In this essay I just want to express some points of view.

The ideal teacher for me:

A teacher must not judge you on grounds like: how long your hair is, the fact that you are making jokes from time to time, what kind of computer games you are playing or what kind of music you listen to. NO! A teacher must judge you on what you have learned, but the big problem is that certain kids DON'T LEARN.

Many have asked themselves : why don't kids learn? why do they think everything is boring?

And here's my answer: a teacher must find ways to determine kids to learn, to find and to discover interesting things, because, you know...that's what teachers are meant for. Why bother feeding us stuff we already know and we can learn from the internet?

Let me give you an example : at Geography, we are supposed to learn about a certain country and nobody is paying attention. If the teacher would say : “ You know, Calin, the action in this movie or that video game is taking place in this country and I am just trying to make you discover it and learn more about it ...” , oh boy, I swear I would have only A grades at Geography!

 To a certain extent, too many of our teachers are like robots: they enter the classroom, write on the table without trying to explain and then leave the classroom.

For teachers, my slogan always was : “ You do not care about me? I do not care about you, either!”

I have to admit that probably I am either courageous or stupid, disrespectful or... whatever, to say those words. And I know : my opinion can trigger certain consequences, but I am ready to assume the risk, or quite frankly, I don't care.

Some teachers are good, but too many are there just for being there.

That is my opinion.

Calin-Alexandru Hasnas”

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